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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Injurys SUCK!! I hate set backs!!

I think I have a fracture in my left foot around the big toe Ugh I think its from too much stress on my body from working out.  My bone cracks when I move my toe and my foot is really swollen, I don't want to stop working out, I am certain I will be back at the gym tomorrow after work of course.

I'm sure its ok.  It will get better some day but I am afraid if I give up exercise for a while it will be too hard to get back on track again.

When I went to the gym today I worked on the stepper for 40 minutes. I didn't walk on the track because my foot hurt so much. Tonight I felt guilty for not walking earlier so I went for a walk around my neighborhood with my son James I took some nice pictures and enjoyed the beautiful evening. I just wish I had not hurt my foot.

I am afraid if I go to the dr he will tell me to hold off on working out for a while.  Can I still work out on a fractured foot? I am sad about this set back :(

It felt good to be outside walking tonight 

James had so much fun with pepper on this walk

Such a beautiful view from our neighborhood


  1. Mindy, if there's a possibility you fractured your foot, do NOT try to work out on it... you'll only make it worse. I admire your determination, but there's no sense in maiming yourself. Get to the doc and find out what's really happening down there (I thought I'd broken my toe once; turned out I had gout). If indeed it is broken (or gout, or something else), talk to your doctor about your concerns and see if he can recommend alternative ways to keep exercising without stressing that foot. Swimming, perhaps...

  2. Thank you Jason I will take your advice and go see the dr. It is so hard sometimes when you are trying to get healthy and things go wrong lol but I sure think the world of you!! You are an amazing friend :) I will let you know what I find out. Thank you for always giving such amazing advice.

    Big Hugs!!!
